Thursday 20 October 2011

All you need is love!

Smiley happy people (apart from the one who was ill on Sunday1 Can you spot her?)

I've never been a huge fan of the Beatles, preferring the blues-based rock of the Stones. However, you do have to admit that Lennon and McCartney wrote some incredibly powerful and moving songs. All you need is love...Let it be.....Hey Jude for example. I'm hoping to use some of this music on Sunday to help us think about L.O.V.E. and what it means for us.

The Bible Readings are Deuteronomy 34:1-12, which deals with the death of Moses right on the verge of the promised land, and Matthew 22:34-46, the Great Commandment.

Here's a question for you to think about before Sunday: How do you love your neighbour.... when he's a right pain in the neck? Answers on a postcard please.

1 comment:

  1. Poem: Love is tough

    Poem, to read aloud or use responsively with children, about the cost of following Jesus.

    Good as gold?
    Not enough -
    Good as God,
    Love is tough.

    Love your friends?
    Not enough -
    Enemies too,
    Love is tough.

    Go to church?
    Not enough -
    Carry your cross,
    Love is tough.

    Walked a mile?
    Not enough -
    Keep on going,
    Love is tough.

    Feeling happy?
    Not enough -
    Share it round,
    Love is tough.

    All you want?
    Not enough -
    Giving, giving,
    Love is tough.

    Jesus Christ?
    He IS enough -
    Died... risen!...
    Love is tough...

    ...but... GREAT!!!
